Ron & Di Pullen of Wyoming Romagnolas will be taking a team of 4 Romagnola bulls and 8 Brahmagnola bulls (6 polled) to the Richmond Field Days “Bulls of the North” All Breeds Sale which will take place at 1pm on Friday the 9th of June 2017 at the Richmond Showgrounds. The bulls will sell as Lots 19 to 30 inclusive.
The 4 Romagnola bulls are stud registered and the 8 Brahmagnola bulls are ¼ Romagnola and ¾ Brahman.
All bulls will be vet checked, weighed, semen tested and have been vaccinated for 5 in 1 and Botulism.
For more information about the bulls or any other bulls that Wyoming Romagnolas may have for sale, please call Ron on 0429 156 178.
A selection of the bulls can be seen below: